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Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz

What better way to start our crystal journey than with clear Quartz.  Quartz is the crystal workers toolbox.  It is an amplifier, recorder and scrying (gazing) tool.  When held, carried, or gazed into, clear quartz activates your intuition and over time can be used to...

Crystal Classes

We teach classes in the Atlanta, GA area (Kay Langley) and the Portland, OR area (Aeolus Crowlaw).  Please subscribe to our newsletter for class schedules or contact us through the contact form on our website for private lessons. Crystal 101 If you’ve ever...

Crystals For Beginners – Crystal 101

You know, we are often asked  “I’m just starting to work with crystals, what would you recommend I start with? Are there crystals for beginners?” Our answer: Even as a beginner, we believe that the crystals you should work with are the ones that you are attracted to...

Start Here

Welcome to Crystal Conversations!  While this site is full of information about crystals and working with their energy, you may be wondering where to start. We have written a series of articles that offer a very basic introduction to understanding and working with...
Crystal Gifts In Unexpected Places

Crystal Gifts In Unexpected Places

Sometimes it’s the little things that bring me the most joy. Today, I had to go for an appointment for new glasses.  I wear bifocals and they are EXPENSIVE so I had put it off for as long as possible.  My earpiece broke and for months Gorilla glue put it back...